Sunday, July 17, 2011

Casey Set Free

A few minutes after midnight, Casey Anthony left the Orange County Jail with her attorney Jose Baez. She got into a dark-colored SUV and sped off to points unknown.

More than 1,000 protesters stood outside the jail holding signs but once the crowd became aware that she had been released and left the property they dispersed and it was over.

Casey showed no emotion and reports were that she was afraid to leave the safety of the jail. Glad to hear that a bit of reality has sunken in to this narcissistic woman.

No one seems to have any idea where Casey was headed and I am sure that in the next few days there will be plenty of speculation. It was already reported that a small plane took off about 1 a.m. headed for Ohio (where Casey was born) but it actually held some golfers not Casey as many thought.

Hiding Casey will not be easy. Although she has spent the last 3 years in solitary confinement in prison, being out in the real world and not being able to be free as she probably would want is some sort of justice.

This story is not going to die down anytime soon because of the lawsuits filed against her. She left jail with approximately $500 that was mostly donations for her to buy snacks and personal items while behind bars. Five hundred dollars is not going to go far. No job, no home, no money (yet).

I cannot imagine Casey Anthony sitting in the local welfare office applying for aid, can you?

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