Monday, July 4, 2011

Deliberations (finally)

The prosecution got the last word today and did well to drive home the idea that only one person's life is better for not having Caylee in it.

It was a powerful delivery which made use of the 911 call that Cindy Anthony made when she found out that Casey did not know where Caylee was and had allegedly been "kidnapped" by her nanny. The raw emotion in her voice and pure pain of not knowing where her beloved granddaughter was makes up for any lies Cindy Anthony might have told on the stand.

Prosecutor Jeff Ashton read a part of George Anthony's suicide note that also showed the pain and desperation of a grandfather who was suffering from the loss of his granddaughter.

Casey's first phone call from jail was in sharp contrast to the pain her parents were feeling. I watched her face as she listened to this call where all she was concerned about was getting the phone number of her latest boyfriend Tony. She complained that all anyone cared about was Caylee.

I get the idea that there is not DNA evidence like they show on television shows like C.S.I. There is no smoking gun or witnesses. But c'mon. Caylee was last seen with Casey. All of a sudden, Caylee is not seen by anyone and Casey lives her life freely without the burden of her child, partying and spending the whole day in bed with her boyfriend? 

Her mother begs to see Caylee off and on for 31 days and all she does is make up lies about where the child is. Lies that are proven to be lies. 

Casey's stories about a mysterious nanny began around the time that she was to return to work after having Caylee. She didn't want to be a mother. Her mother Cindy would not let her give the child up for adoption. She had to do what her mother wanted. Cindy wore the pants in the family, that much we know. Casey could live up to be a mother like her mother demanded. 

read more here 

This is a tragedy that has changed this family forever. A little girl is dead, most likely at Casey's hand. Will the justice system prevail or will Casey walk and go back to life on Hopespring Drive? 

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