Monday, August 22, 2011

Casey's Back in Florida

According to Jose Baez, Casey Anthony's attorney, she has returned to the Orlando area in order to begin court-appointed probation.

Jose Baez, who appeared on Geraldo Rivera's cable show, says that she is in a safe place with spiritual advisors.

I am going to go out on a limb here and guess that these spiritual advisors are NOT her parents but associated with Jose Baez.

The surprising thing is that Casey has stayed hidden since being acquitted back in July and there has not yet been any kind of proof that she has made any deals. According to her attorney Casey just wants to "get on with her life" but is finding that it is not that easy.

The atmosphere in Florida is still one of anger towards Casey who many see as having gotten away with murder.

This week will be an eventful one for Casey and we will see how easily she is able to move forward with her life, serving a year's probation for check fraud charges.

Will she be able to find a job? My guess is yes. I am sure that thanks to Jose Baez, he will find someone to hire her.

I get that she was acquitted but in my mind (and many others) she hardly deserves to be cut a break at this point in time. The girl is guilty of lying about what really happened to her daughter and if parents are not going to protect their children we as a society need to.

Because Casey had something to do with her daughter's death and lied about it and STILL has not apologized for that, she deserves no "breaks".

There are many unemployed, deserving people in this country who are desperate for a break. Why are they less deserving than a proven liar?

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