Friday, June 10, 2011

Defendant's Rights Vs. Witnesses Rights

Cindy and George Anthony were not in the courtroom yesterday nor are they today as testimony continues regarding the remains of their granddaughter. No one would expect them to be there. The pictures shown to those in the courtroom and jury are graphic. Sitting at home listening to the description is horrible enough.

Casey Anthony did not even look at the pictures that showed Caylee's skull and became so overwhelmed/ill that the judge recessed early. The judge really had no choice because had he told her to "suck it up" he would have been violating her rights to medical attention.

Meanwhile when Cindy Anthony was on the stand while they played the first 911 calls that she made, she was visibly sobbing and at times, put her head down on the stand. No one was concerned about the fact that this grieving grandmother appeared to be ill over listening to her calls. It was Cindy Anthony who turned to the judge and asked him for a break. The judge did allow a break so that she could compose herself.

Whatever you want to say about Cindy Anthony, she is not on trial here. Why was there no compassion shown to her when she had to testify to finding out that her precious granddaughter was missing?

I get that we have the ACLU that protects us but sometimes I wonder about the justice system.

The Anthony family is not done testifying. The prosecution will be calling them back to the stand. More torture is in store for this grieving family. Meanwhile Casey Anthony can sit and shed her fake tears. I believe that she should be forced to view the pictures of Caylee's remains. Maybe it will be enough to finally break her and make her tell the truth.

Telling the truth may not even be possible for Casey Anthony but it sure would give justice to Caylee. Ultimately, this is about the death of a little girl. It is not about Casey. Somehow, because of the way our justice system works, Casey can manipulate it to be about her by being too ill to sit in court.

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