Saturday, June 25, 2011

The Games Continue

Saturday testimony never happened today as the defense attempted to have a witness testify but was stopped by the prosecution. It seems that the defense is playing games again having yet another witness attempt to change his opinions and thereby violate court rulings regarding an expert changing his testimony.

Judge Perry is angry and after meeting behind closed doors, he recessed court until Monday. This was after Judge Perry had previously announced that today would be a full day of court due to wasted time over previous game playing.

This case is getting closer to a possible mistrial with the shenanigans of the defense. It was bad enough to see Cindy Anthony change her testimony and even Lee Anthony's memory of the past seems to be better today than it was two years ago. Don't they see how obvious it is to the jury how they are attempting to protect Casey?

When a deposition can prove that you are changing your testimony it threatens to do more damage to the defense.

The witness who was scheduled to testify today was an expert in chemicals and was to testify about chloroform levels in the trunk of Casey's car. The prosecution is on its' toes and is not allowing the defense to pull these games where a witness changes or has previously excluded an opinion in an attempt to blindside the prosecution.

Judge Perry yesterday asked the defense why it seemed they were trying to change their theory of how Caylee died and demanded to know from Jose Baez why he was questioning Cindy Anthony about marital troubles.

The soap opera-like testimony of the family drama from Lee and Cindy isn't really all that relevant to this case. Yes, Jose Baez is pushing the idea of just how dysfunctional this family is but really, is that a reason for why Casey behaved the way she did for the 31 days that Caylee was missing?

I get it. We all get it. This family is messed up. I still struggle with the idea that an accidental drowning snowballed into this.

I also do not get this one point. If Caylee accidentally drowned, why didn't Casey's attorney get her out of jail? Why did she have to sit in jail for nearly 3 years? Why didn't he go to the prosecution and explain the situation? 

Now HLN (which covers the trial on Saturdays) is saying that recessing court today was NOT related to the defense's witness today and may possibly have something to do with last week's prosecution stall of another defense witness. It seems that the prosecutor held back on some information and stalled this witness from testifying. 

Yes, games are being played on both sides. Will this mean that Casey walks free? Will we ever know the truth about what really happened to Caylee Marie Anthony????

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