Thursday, June 2, 2011

Jailhouse Videos

Today the jurors got to hear the interview/interrogation that took place at Universal after Casey took the police on a wild goose chase.

In all fairness, the detectives gave Casey plenty of opportunity to drop the Zaineda Fernandes-Gonzales story several times. They even gave her the option of admitting that something happened to Caylee accidentally.

Casey continued to lie and these police detectives were just struck by why she was lying if they were trying to help her find Caylee.

Criticism #1- If these were seasoned, experienced detectives, had they never seen a mother lie about where and what happened to her child? 

How long did it take them to figure out that Casey Anthony is hiding something? How many lies did she have to tell before they figured out that she is a liar?

The only thing Casey Anthony was truthful about was when they asked her what her name was. Pretty much everything else that came out of her mouth was a lie!

What was really disturbing and damning for Casey was while the courtroom was listening and watching the jailhouse video of her seeing her parents, at times, Casey was smirking and laughing. Yes laughing. 

I say string her up to some kind of torture device and get the truth out of this bitch. Enough. The prosecution says they are only about half-way through their witnesses. The defense still has to present their fairytale, although they do not need to prove anything. Can the state of Florida really afford this nonsense to go on as long as it will be??

Justice for Caylee- what does that really mean? That poor child is at peace, away from her "mother" and although Casey Anthony getting the death penalty is not going to bring Caylee back, it will keep this woman off the streets. 

Will we ever really know what happened to Caylee Anthony? 

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