Monday, June 13, 2011

Prosecution Almost Done

FBI latent print analyst testified today about the duct tape that was found on and near the remains of Caylee Anthony. Although she noticed an outline of a heart on the duct tape, she failed to document it by having it photographed. She did point it out to another analyst but when she completed her testing and went to photograph it, it was no longer visible.

Is this a blow to the prosecution? It depends upon your opinion. 

The defense did win an objection today. Hair analysis of samples that came from Caylee’s remains had been photographed and a powerpoint presentation was to be introduced into evidence. However, the prosecution failed to give this to the defense and the judge ruled that because of the late introduction, he ruled in favor of keeping it out.

The judge did make a surprising announcement today. He informed the jury that he expects deliberations in this case to begin sometime around June 25th to the 27th

The prosecution’s next witnesses had not yet arrived in town so court was adjourned early for the day. Court will resume tomorrow (Tuesday) at 1:00 in order to give enough time for the prosecutions witnesses to arrive.
After that, the judge expects the defense to present their case next week. There will be time for the state to redirect and then final statements will be given.

It is hard to believe that the prosecution is almost done with their case.

So what do you think? With the prosecution almost done presenting their case against Casey Anthony, do you think they have proved this death penalty case?

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