Monday, June 27, 2011

Speculation Behind Saturday's Drama

In a few short hours we will (maybe) find out what the drama was about on Saturday behind closed doors in the Casey Anthony murder trial.

Some hint that it may have something to do with a change in the defense counsel with Cheney Mason possibly wanting off the defense team. (rumor is that he was heard shouting in the judge's chambers)

Although this is unlikely, whatever it is could be quite serious. Or not. 

As a follower of this sensationalized trial, I know that almost anything is possible.

I feel for the jurors who were promised by the judge that they would be back to their lives by the 4th of July. Many had made plans for the holiday and they are going to be mad that their plans will be disrupted because of all the drama.

It is frustrating as a viewer to watch this trial by sidebar; could you imagine being a juror? Hopefully they are all paying attention and are not easily fooled by the obvious flip-flopping of Cindy Anthony's testimony and the outrageously ridiculous defense theory.

The defense's job is to create reasonable doubt but c'mon, is it reasonable that a former police detective (George Anthony) would allow his own daughter to face the death penalty over an accidental drowning?????

Dysfunctional is not a strong enough word for anyone who would sit back, allow his name and reputation to be dragged through the mud just to what, punish his daughter for not watching his granddaughter which resulted in her accidental drowning???

Does anyone believe that? 

George Anthony (and the entire family) are liars but seriously, it would take an extremely disturbed, horrible person to do what it is alleged that he did to Casey.

Hopefully these jurors are seeing the truth and will serve justice for Caylee.

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