Friday, June 24, 2011

Dr.Drew Analyzes the Secrets and Lies of the Anthony Family

Tonight Dr. Drew tried to figure out what the hell is really going on with the Anthony family. I have to admit that Dr.Drew is the only cable show covering this trial that I feel tries to be fair about this whole real-life drama.

Cindy Anthony's revelations yesterday that she was the one who searched the Internet for "chloroform" and "neck-breaking" seemed like a mother who was trying to lie to save her daughter. Being that her testimony was changed from her depositions, which -by the way can be proved, she obviously was lying.

We get it that this family is crazy. The speculation is what is the big secret?

IS there a big secret? Or is this family so nuts that they will cover up a crime?

The biggest revelation to me is the idea that perhaps the defense has proved some reasonable doubt. Caylee could have drowned had that ladder really been left down.

To believe that George Anthony helped to cover up an accident makes no sense!!!!!

If Caylee did drown and Casey was alone with her and should have been watching her- IT was still an accident. Why would you dump your daughter's body and make up a story over an ACCIDENT????? 

Because your mom was so attached to your child that she would blame you? Really? I don't know people but I would love to hear your theories. I am so confused by all of this.

As Dr. Drew says, there are secrets in this family but are they relevant to this case? Or is Casey Anthony the monster that so many people think?

Leave me a comment. What do YOU think?

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