Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Why are so many fascinated by Casey Anthony?

Casey Anthony is one of the most searched names the past few days. Why is the public so fascinated by this murder trial?

From the moment Caylee Anthony was reported missing and the media picked up on it, there has been a huge amount of outrage and passion-filled anger towards Casey Anthony. Mothers are supposed to look out for their children. Casey Anthony's daughter was missing for 31 days and she said nothing.

Video and photos prove what Casey Anthony was doing during the period of time that her daughter was missing. Although it was normal behavior for a 20-something year old woman (aside from stealing money from family and friends) it was not normal behavior for someone whose child was missing.

Why are we so fascinated by Casey Anthony? Perhaps because normal people cannot fathom how a person could be so cold. Casey Anthony is narcissistic at the very least. A pathological liar unable to take responsibility for anything and the idea that her defense outrageously blames her father for covering up Caylee's accidental death is disgusting.

Florida has only put to death two women. Never has a woman who is a mother been sent to death row for killing her child. Casey Anthony could become the first. Can the prosecution prove that Casey killed Caylee?

The world is watching and like a train wreck, the Anthony family continues to be tortured by their "bad seed" daughter. Casey's mother is living in hell, re-living that horrible day when she found out that her granddaughter was missing and the family's life changed forever.

Maybe part of the reason that so many cannot seem to look away from watching this family's tragedy is that their dysfunction is something that many can relate to although most would not admit it. What disgusts me is commentators who almost seem to blame Cindy and George Anthony for helping to create the monster that is Casey Anthony. Why do we always look to place blame on the parents? Can a child just be born bad?

Casey Anthony is a disturbed person. Perhaps she does suffer from some mental disorder that has caused her to be so detached and cold. It doesn't really matter though...a beautiful little girl is dead. Justice for Caylee is what is really important not placing blame on Cindy or George Anthony. If Casey Anthony truly is responsible for the death of Caylee Anthony then she needs to be punished. Hopefully there will be justice for Caylee.

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